
Friday, July 19, 2013

Nickel 2 is Done!

Finally got to finish up Nickel 2 yesterday!
Still have to do the binding, but at least it's off the frame!

Here are some detail pictures

Now, I have to admit, that while the quilting is pretty, it's probably a bit too much.  If I were to do it again, I don't think I'd put the zigzags in the blue stars.  Leaving just the 1/4" border on the inside of the star would have been fine.  Live and learn!

Here are some closeups
In the center above is a star I learned from Kim Brunner's Machine Quilting with Templates at Blueprint.  Though it's a nice design, it got lost with the light blue thread.  So I went over it with a dark blue.  Better, but still gets a bit lost.
This looks really pretty in the quilt and repeats the border.  (Sorry about the wiggle--shame on me!)

And of course, the back.
Now, just what I'm going to do with this quilt, I don't know.  I may save it as a teaching sample, or then again, I might just donate it.  Or hang it for a while. 

Anyway it was a great time practicing freehand and ruler work, so I guess I got what I wanted out of it!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Wow! It's really beautiful. You may donate it to me !

  2. I learned that same star from Kimmy Brunner's Craftsy class, and had the same result - the star got lost in the fabric - especially when I put 4 of them together. Here's a link to it on my blog: I love that star, but might have to be more selective in where it goes.

  3. Wonderful work, Susan. I especially like your curved pumpkin seed. How did you get all the curves so consistent? Good job!

    1. Rulers! Otherwise it'd be a drunken path!

  4. got the link from stashbusters.....gorgeous quilt!


Thank you so much for just made my day!