
Thursday, March 2, 2017

March 2017 Book of the Month

A day late, due to Midweek Makers, but not forgotten - it's time for a new Book of the Month selection! This month's honor goes to Lovely Landscape Quilts (affiliate link) by Cathy Geier.

Now before you get all excited, I have to admit I don't have plans to stitch a landscape quilt. Instead, I need to finish a landscape/art quilt. Remember this?

Yep, it's time Santorini gets quilted. 

So why the landscape book? Because of the nine landscape/art books I have, all gloss over the quilting part of the work. Essentially they say, 'stitch around defined areas' (leaves, flowers, etc), or 'add texture' to water, trees, mountains, etc. Or the dreaded 'stitch as desired.' Well, that's helpful.

Since I don't do a lot of landscape/art work, I need a bit more specific direction on the quilting portion. Hoping to find other landscape books that could help, I headed to the library and found the Lovely Landscape Quilts (affiliate link) book. Cathy has 10 pages devoted to quilting and finishing quilts, with the direction I'm looking for. Now to soak up her suggestions and put the ideas to stitches.
Wish me luck!

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Thank you so much for just made my day!