
Monday, September 30, 2019

Jelly Beans Mini

Cutting it close on the last day of the month to show another quilt from the June thru September Book of the Month choice, Accent on Angles (affiliate link) - the Jelly Beans Mini.

Jelly Beans Mini quilt draped

Though certainly not 'mini' - this quilt measures approximately 43" x 49" - I'm labeling it mini because it's smaller than the original Jelly Beans quilt in the Accent on Angles book (affiliate link), which is 55" x 55".

original Jelly Beans quilt

And I'm thrilled that I had just enough fabric for the borders - those three are all gone. 

Jelly Beans Mini quilt quilting

Quilting was the easy Bayside pantograph, keeping with all the movement in this quilt. And more yardage disappeared into the backing - yeah!

Jelly Beans Mini quilt and backing

With this third finish, 

Jelly Beans Mini quilt

it's time to retire the Accent on Angles book (affiliate link) back to the bookshelf, and move onto another selection for October - look for that on the 1st.

Happy Quilting!

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1 comment:

  1. Love your jelly beans mini. Lots of movement in the blocks keeps the eyes going over the surface.


Thank you so much for just made my day!