
Friday, March 6, 2020

Brick Yard Block, Scrappy Version

My quilt guild has a fun activity called 'Block Party', in which instructions are written up for a block, then offered to guild members to make. They can then bring in the block, entering for a chance to win all the blocks turned in. I've participated in this in the past, and found last month's block quite fetching. Here's one of mine that I'll turn in.

Brick Yard quilt block, scrappy version

I ended up making 4 for the party, then decided to use up some old purple fabric and make a full quilt, but more on that later.

After making a bunch in purple, I contacted guild member Amy, the presumed designer, about putting out a tutorial for this block cause it's just so easy!

She told me she had redesigned a Missouri Star Quilt Co block, called Brick Yard. The technique shown is fast and easy, especially if using long strips.

Ah, but Amy's version uses scraps, measures 9" versus MSQ's 8.5", and doesn't lose the corners of the center unit when sewn with other blocks. Personally, I like Amy's version better!

But it does have a bit too much fabric waste for me. So, I did a bit of measuring and substituted a triangle for a strip on the corners. Much less fabric waste now, just tiny strings and a small background triangle. Check out this pretty trimming pile from 48 blocks - it's art in itself!

trimming art

So, how about a tutorial on making a scrappy, redesigned Brick Yard block? The first couple pictures are drawn cause I didn't think to take pictures till later in the sewing process!

9" Brick Yard quilt block, scrappy version tutorial

    2 (two) 2.5" x 8.5" strips of coordinating prints
    2 (two) 2.5" x 8.5" strips background 
    1 (one) 4" x 4" square print 
    1 (one) 4" x 4" square background

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block components

Stitch 2 (two) 2.5" x 8.5" strips of coordinating prints together along the 8.5" edge.

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block center

Add 2 (two) 2.5" x 8.5" strips background to each side, pressing toward the prints or center.

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block center and background strips

Cut both 4" x 4" squares on the diagonal. 

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block corner triangles

Fold each triangle in half, pressing a mark in the seam allowance. Do the same with each 8.5" strip unit, as shown.

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block folding for center marks

Stitch each background triangle to the print ends, matching both the triangle fold and triangle point with the center seam.

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block sewing background corner triangles

Repeat the process with each print triangle to the background side strips, matching the triangle fold with the fold at the center of the strip. Hint: finger press the fold mark on the strip unit, with right sides together. Press the fold mark on the triangles with wrong sides together. Then the folds will nest!

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block corner triangles and trimming

Finish by aligning a square ruler's diagonal with the center seam, trimming the block to 9" x 9" square. Then stand back and admire your work!

Brick Yard scrappy quilt block 9" x 9"

Have fun with this, making up different color combinations, and using up those scraps. I'll have more to show on the progress of my purple, scrappy version of Brick Yard on Monday.

Happy Quilting!

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  1. that is pretty much how I made my signature quilt blocks except I have 3 rectangles in the middle. It is an easy pattern to make and squaring them up in the end is easy.

  2. That is a cute block! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I like this scrap busting block very much and am looking forward to seeing your purple quilt made using these blocks. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing this block. The scrap pile in my sewing room will certainly diminish!

  5. Great block - thank you for sharing how to make it!

  6. Hi Susan! Great tutorial and great finished block at the end. I like the idea of not losing the points on the center block. I've PINned your last picture to remember the inspiration. Happy Saturday. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. What a great block. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I never have success doing the 'snowball' corners. I like your method of cutting squares into triangles and then attaching and then trimming. It may be a bit wasteful of fabric but more successful in the end. Thanks for providing the pattern.

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Thank you so much for just made my day!