Welcome to Midweek Makers!
Summer is definitely here - we've had days in the 90's and none of the typical June weather of early morning coastal fog, and I fear those days are a thing of the past. How sad.
As for quilting, I have nothing to share (again, how sad), and instead more yard progress. We rented an excavator to remove a grove of invasive Acacia, and after a week, we're almost done. Here's hubby on day 1, though the majority of those little pesky trees seen in the picture are now gone, I do miss their shade!
Soon we can move onto other stumps and large ivy roots - what a chore! I can't wait for hubby to go back to work so I can take some days off and sew. Until then, let's enjoy what others are showing here at Midweek Makers.
From Gretchen's Little Corner, a pretty flimsy in the works,
and finally, a pretty finish from Needle and Foot.
And now it's your turn - what's your share this week?
- please link directly to your post
- please link a quilt related item
- visit with the others and leave some comment love