The pastel ABC's and 123's where done using a technique in which the fusible is only on the outer 1/4" edge of the fabric.
The paper backing is peeled away, and the letter gets fused in place. Adding a stabilizer on the back, the fused letter gets a blanket stitch edging.

On the primary quilt, the letters and numbers where completely fused in place. No need to worry about show through on this quilt. And I didn't fret about stiffness either. So the blanket stitch wouldn't pucker, I used a paper like stabilizer on the backside,
which I tore out afterwards.
Identical quilts, different techniques. And I think that the technique used really depends on the quilt. A complete fuse may work fine, but for some quilts, maybe not. Possibly a completely different technique of applique is warranted. It really all depends on the quilt, it's use, and my time.
Applique. To be continued...
Happy Quilting!
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